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Ceux qui nous ont choisis

Lisez les témoignages de personnes souffrant d’une perte de cheveux qui ont retrouvé leur confiance grâce aux traitements CRLAB. Laissez-vous inspirer par ces histoires de personnes dont la vie a changé pour le mieux grâce aux solutions CRLAB…



Sistema CRL

Listen to AnnaRosa’s experience, a young woman from Bologna who started irreversibly losing her hair in large quantities at the age of 16 and faced the discomfort of baldness. Afflicted by what is by now a real complex, by the fear of not being liked and being ridiculed, AnnaRosa entered a long period of depression and self-closure, isolating herself from friends and from the normal life style of any girl of her age.

“Now I play sports, I go to the pool, to the sea, change my look and hairstyles … Hair transforms life! “

Upon finding the strength to say enough and act, AnnaRosa started treatment, relying on doctors and specialists; the total lack of results and continued disillusion discouraged her and almost led her to surrender.

Until she decided to turn to a Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories center; she told us her story and expressed her expectations, trusted the staff of the Center and, following an accurate skin and hair test, they found a solution together: The CRL System. Facing such extensive hair loss and the impossibility of returning to natural hair growth, the Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories consultants recommended that AnnaRosa try the exclusive and patented CRL hair replacement method, leading her along a journey to find herself, her image and her serenity once again.

Enthusiastic and proud of her choice, today AnnaRosa is a girl who plays sports, goes to the pool, to the sea, changes her look and hairstyle; she can enjoy life as she once did and nothing, especially not her hair, can cause limits or sacrifices.

Hair truly transformed her life!


Avez-vous des questions ou des inquiétudes concernant l’état de vos cheveux ?
Prenez RDV avec un de nos experts pour une consultation gratuite. Ou faites notre diagnostic en ligne et nous vous proposerons une routine de soins personnalisés pour vos cheveux.

Nos solutions autour de la perte de cheveux

La Trichologie

Les bienfaits de nos traitements trichologiques sont cliniquement prouvés. Ces soins capillaires nourrissant et rééquilibrant permettent de retrouver un cuir chevelu sain et des cheveux plus forts et beaux.

La Prothèse Capillaire

Notre dispositif médical, certifié, breveté, et réalisé sur mesure en Italie, est une solution qui intègre de vrais cheveux dans les zones où vous souffrez d’amincissement ou de pertede cheveux.

La Greffe de Cheveux

Nous travaillons avec les meilleurs professionnels pour trouver les implants capillaires qu’il vous faut.