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Domaine scientifique

Scientific collaboration between Professor Marco Toscani and Dr. Pasquale Fino, Chair of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Umberto I Health Center – “Sapienza” University of Rome.

Recent studies have demonstrated that around one in five young men tend to lose their hair prematurely over time.
This problem does not affect only young men but also young women.

In the majority of cases, it is androgenetic alopecia (pattern hair loss) and therefore is hereditary/genetic. However, it is important to remember that often factors of psychological origin like performance anxiety, trauma and emotional stress take over, thereby becoming a source and cause of hair loss from stress.

Men suffer from this more than women. The percentages are, respectively, 65% and 35%.
It should also be noted that today the number of young women who are afflicted with hair loss is notably and constantly increasing.

Among the causes that lead to hair loss in women we include lack of sleep, improper diet (very restrictive diets or those with little variety) and cigarette smoke.
The hair loss manifests with excessive sebum production and thinning hair that becomes more and more thin and fragile. Eventually it falls out and does not grow back.

Hair loss leads to serious psychological consequences both in adults and in young people.
Thinning hair, receding hair and hair loss cause a sense of embarrassment and inadequacy, leading young people to isolate themselves. In fact, many young men stop going to school, precisely to avoid contact with those their age.
Moreover, it has been psychologically proven that hair loss causes a sense of inadequacy that seriously compromises the psychological development of an adolescent. What occurs is that a profound psychological crisis is added to a problem that was initially only an aesthetic one. The depression derives from the fact that a young person in this situation feels uncomfortable as a result of the continuous preoccupation with imagining what others think seeing him without hair. The mirror, the first strength of adolescents, now becomes an enemy that is often contacted and that cannot be avoided because it allows you to check the progression of the hair thinning or recession, thereby leading to a chronic state of anxiety. Young men suffering from this problem try in every way to fix their hair so that the receding hairline is noted as little as possible.
This whole situation leads young people to lower their self esteem and self confidence and to lose sight of their objectives, it leads them to abandon their studies or work, contributing also to the loss of friendships or romantic relationships.

The best weapon remains, as always, prevention. In fact, it is necessary to resolve the problem at the root as soon as it manifests itself with targeted trichological treatments and anti-hair loss remedies that guarantee restoration of a good scalp condition. The first thing to do when this occurs is turn to industry professionals for a proper and careful hair and skin exam, as a first step that guarantees (except in the cases of serious hair loss or illness) a proper overview of the clinical situation and the creation of a proper and effective therapy.

Grey hair

In the trichological field, with the passing of age hair whitening is seen to follow the greying process of the hair on the scalp (called grey hair). Hair becomes grey (white) following a natural biological aging process of the melanocytes, which are the cells tasked with coloring hair.
In the majority of people, the first grey hairs appear around 35/40 years of age in women and around 30/35 in men.

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Types de cheveux et morphologie

Some parameters and characteristics should be taken into consideration when assessing hair types and morphologies: shape, density and appearance. The appearance of hair, in the form of lanugo, occurs during the fourth month of pregnancy.

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Alopécie séborrhéique

Seborrheic hair loss is a form of premature hair loss that generally afflicts men in their youth (onset between 20 and 30 years of age), mainly affecting the frontal region and the crown. The cause, as the name of the condition suggests, is related to an excess production of sebum that provokes or accelerates hair loss.

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Brittle hair

Brittle hair is hair that appears opaque and without shininess. It is characterized by glaringly visible damage and deterioration of the shaft.
The causes that lead to the problem of brittle hair may be of endogenous and exogenous origin.

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Damaged hair

Changes in the hair shaft lead to deterioration with the appearance of ruined or damaged hair.
In healthy hair, the cuticle is whole, with overlapping shingles. Hair with whole ends appears shiny, elastic and brushes easily.

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Greasy hair

Greasy hair appears dirty, greasy, oily, shiny and often has an unpleasant odor.
Individuals who have greasy hair often also have other areas of the skin (nose, forehead, chin) that are quite greasy (called “seborrheic” skin).

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Nos solutions autour de la perte de cheveux

La Trichologie

Les bienfaits de nos traitements trichologiques sont cliniquement prouvés. Ces soins capillaires nourrissant et rééquilibrant permettent de retrouver un cuir chevelu sain et des cheveux plus forts et beaux.

La Prothèse Capillaire

Notre dispositif médical, certifié, breveté, et réalisé sur mesure en Italie, est une solution qui intègre de vrais cheveux dans les zones où vous souffrez d’amincissement ou de pertede cheveux.

La Greffe de Cheveux

Nous travaillons avec les meilleurs professionnels pour trouver les implants capillaires qu’il vous faut.