Alopécia areata
A alopécia areata é uma doença ligada a um distúrbio crônico da imunidade que afeta os folículos na fase anágena (crescimento) e que geralmente causa manchas sem pelos no couro cabeludo e em outras áreas do corpo.
Scientific collaboration between Professor Marco Toscani and Dr. Pasquale Fino, Chair of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Umberto I Health Center – “Sapienza” University of Rome.
A alopécia areata é uma doença ligada a um distúrbio crônico da imunidade que afeta os folículos na fase anágena (crescimento) e que geralmente causa manchas sem pelos no couro cabeludo e em outras áreas do corpo.
A hair follicle is a formation of epidermal origin, anchored in the dermis and consisting of a hair and its sheath.
The formation of hair follicles occurs early. They begin to appear as early as the second month of gestation. These follicles will continue to form for the entire duration of the pregnancy. At birth, the baby will indeed have the entire supply of follicles with which it was genetically equipped and from this moment on, no others will form.
A alopécia androgenética é o tipo de alopécia mais comum, que atinge a maior parte da população masculina branca, por motivos diversos. É menos frequente em outros grupos étnicos. Muitas vezes apresenta uma familiaridade com a calvície, mas a ausência de outros parentes com a doenção não exclui o diagnóstico. É caracterizada por uma progressiva queda capilar na região do vértice, na marginal frontal anterior e na região temporal.
Excess sweat production on the entire surface of the body or just in some areas (especially the scalp, palms of the hands, soles of the feet) is called hyperhidrosis.
Some of the causes that may lead to temporary hyperhidrosis are physical hyperactivity, fevers, saunas, vomiting and dysentery. Causes that may instead lead to a repeated state of hyperhidrosis are hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia and alcoholism
Scalp pain and irritation (or trichodynia) are pathological conditions that affect both women (in a greater percentage) and men (in a lower percentage). The pain felt on the scalp, spontaneous or caused by treatment, and in particular around the roots of the hair, may be more or less intense, alternating at times between periods of disappearance, associated with burning, tingling or itching.
Trichotillomania is a type of hair loss due to voluntary pulling by the patient which often ends up breaking the hair shaft. In general, the patient twists the hair around a finger.
The gesture is occasional when going to sleep or concentrating on a task, but may become repetitive or obsessive.
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uma aparência natural.