Mon panier

Mini panier

Domaine scientifique

Scientific collaboration between Professor Marco Toscani and Dr. Pasquale Fino, Chair of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Umberto I Health Center – “Sapienza” University of Rome.

It is impossible to definitively remove split ends by cutting them. If the cause is not removed, they will come back during the hair regrowth phase.
In hair that has split ends, the hair shaft shows pronged ends.

Another frequent physiological alteration of hair ends is trichorrhexis nodosa.
In this situation, the hair shaft takes the form of the tip of a pen, with the presence of lengthwise cracks and nodules located along the entire shaft.

The term “Bubble Hair” indicates the presence of air bubbles inside the hair shaft.
Bubble Hair may be found in areas of fragile, thin and broken hair. Problems such as ringworm may cause Bubble Hair.

The last remedy for combating split ends and hair that breaks easily is to cease all chemical treatments (strong dyes, perms, highlights, decolorations, etc.). Moreover, it is important to undergo an oil or hydrating mask treatment, then cleansing the scalp and lastly proceeding with washes that require just one dosage of shampoo so as to not further damage the hair shaft.
Regardless of the treatments proposed, it is important to remember that the first remedy for split ends is prevention, which consists in a lifestyle that guarantees perfect hair health, thereby avoiding the phenomenon of split ends.

Proper nutrition providing the raw materials also allows us to strengthen damaged hair, making it less susceptible to split ends.
It is also useful to stop or reduce smoking, as smoke allows toxins to enter the circulation and these are then also absorbed by the hair bulbs, with harmful effects on the keratinization process, and favoring the appearance of split ends.

Female hair loss

Female hair loss is a common form of non-scarring hair loss, characterized by the progressive loss of hair in the forehead and crown regions, resulting in visible thinning. Unlike male hair loss, female hair loss in the affected areas is usually incomplete and the occipital area is generally spared.

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Scalp itchiness

Scalp itchiness of varying intensity is a sensation perceived by many people of both sexes.
Itchiness is a scalp problem that leads those afflicted to scratch their skin and is often associated with pain. Many causes of this illness are recognized, which shouldn’t be underestimated as it may cause hair loss or thinning.

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Peau sèche ou astéatose

Dry skin or asteatosis is a scalp condition deriving from a lipid deficiency.
It is often associated with a situation of exacerbated dehydration. We can identify both internal and external causes for this anomaly.

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Psoriasis du cuir chevelu

La psoriasi è una frequente dermatosi cronica eritemo-squamosa con squama tipica (psoriasica), circoscritta o diffusa.
La psoriasi è un problema del cuoio capelluto non annoverata tra le cause che comportano la caduta dei capelli.

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Hyperseborrhea or hypersecretion of sebum is simply a scalp problem due to an excessive production of sebum caused by hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. Immediate symptoms of hyperseborrhea are scalp itchiness and pain. However, a later symptom is hair loss.

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Nos solutions autour de la perte de cheveux

La Trichologie

Les bienfaits de nos traitements trichologiques sont cliniquement prouvés. Ces soins capillaires nourrissant et rééquilibrant permettent de retrouver un cuir chevelu sain et des cheveux plus forts et beaux.

La Prothèse Capillaire

Notre dispositif médical, certifié, breveté, et réalisé sur mesure en Italie, est une solution qui intègre de vrais cheveux dans les zones où vous souffrez d’amincissement ou de pertede cheveux.

La Greffe de Cheveux

Nous travaillons avec les meilleurs professionnels pour trouver les implants capillaires qu’il vous faut.