Mon panier

Ceux qui nous ont choisis

Lisez les témoignages de personnes souffrant d’une perte de cheveux qui ont retrouvé leur confiance grâce aux traitements CRLAB. Laissez-vous inspirer par ces histoires de personnes dont la vie a changé pour le mieux grâce aux solutions CRLAB…


50 Years Old

3d hair prosthetic system

Mine is a long story, let me sum it up. Aged 18, I started losing my hair and I would not accept it also because I am a sportsman. Being a sportsman, I had to deal all the time with the problem of hair loss, which aged me incredibly. Between the ages of 18 and 20, I tried and found a first solution: some treatments that resulted in minor improvements, a long way from satisfactory.

“CRL is super-strong! You can swim for 4km, cycle for 180 km and run a 42-km marathon without worrying about your hair, or lose 6kg sweating like crazy but… with a full head of hair! “

Like the biblical myth Samson, who would lose his strength if he lost his hair, I too was beginning to feel weaker and decided to find a solution that would help me regain my strength. At that time, many years ago, I used to see Cesare Ragazzi ads and decided to put my trust in CRLAB: it turned out to be the right choice, it gave me back my self-esteem and my strength and my life changed a lot. By feeling strong again, I also started to feel self-assured and improve the professional and business aspects of my life. My confidence has improved which had an impact on my athletic performance and determination – so much so that today I am a triathlete. CRL is super-strong! You can swim for 4km, cycle for 180 km and run a 42-km marathon without worrying about your hair, or lose 6kg sweating like crazy but… with a full head of hair! There are no other words to express all the benefit that I got out of this system. Today, I still train very hard, I exercise for three hours every day, I run 150 km a month, I cycle for 500 km each month and swim for 21 km, perspiring massively, and this system has made me really happy. Thank you!


Avez-vous des questions ou des inquiétudes concernant l’état de vos cheveux ?
Prenez RDV avec un de nos experts pour une consultation gratuite. Ou faites notre diagnostic en ligne et nous vous proposerons une routine de soins personnalisés pour vos cheveux.

Nos solutions autour de la perte de cheveux

La Trichologie

Les bienfaits de nos traitements trichologiques sont cliniquement prouvés. Ces soins capillaires nourrissant et rééquilibrant permettent de retrouver un cuir chevelu sain et des cheveux plus forts et beaux.

La Prothèse Capillaire

Notre dispositif médical, certifié, breveté, et réalisé sur mesure en Italie, est une solution qui intègre de vrais cheveux dans les zones où vous souffrez d’amincissement ou de pertede cheveux.

La Greffe de Cheveux

Nous travaillons avec les meilleurs professionnels pour trouver les implants capillaires qu’il vous faut.