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Seasonal Hair Loss: Causes, Remedies, and Tips

Spring is a season of renewal and growth, but for many people, it also marks a period where hair loss significantly intensifies. This phenomenon, known as seasonal effluvium, can evoke concern and be a source of anxiety and discomfort. In this article, we will explore in detail what seasonal effluvium entails, what the main causes are, and what can be done to manage this temporary increase in hair loss effectively.

What is Seasonal Effluvium?

Seasonal effluvium refers to a temporary and widespread loss of hair that many people experience during the change of seasons, especially during the transition from winter to spring and from summer to autumn. This phenomenon is characterized by an increase in hair shedding compared to previous months, which is particularly noticeable during daily activities such as brushing or washing hair.

Unlike more severe and permanent forms of hair loss, such as androgenetic alopecia, seasonal effluvium does not lead to the formation of bald patches but can still cause a general thinning of the hair.

Causes of Seasonal Effluvium

The hair growth cycle, which includes the stages of growth (anagen), transition (catagen), and rest (telogen), depends on numerous factors that can lead to a synchronization of the resting phase and thus more noticeable hair loss during certain times of the year. The most relevant factors include:

1. Hormonal fluctuations

Seasonal hormonal fluctuations can influence the hair follicle’s life cycle, accelerating the transition to the telogen phase.

2. Environmental factors

Changes in light and temperature, which are strongly perceived during these periods, can alter hormonal balances and consequently hair shedding.

3. Nutrition

Seasonal changes in diet can impact hair health; particularly, a deficiency of essential nutrients during winter may result in increased hair loss in spring.

How Does Seasonal Effluvium Manifest?

Increased hair loss during the spring months can manifest in various ways:

  1. A greater amount of hair collected on the pillow in the morning;
  2. A higher number of hairs lost during brushing or washing;
  3. Hair appearing more fragile and thinner, but without visible bald patches.

It is important to note that these episodes are temporary in nature: most people will notice a decrease in hair shedding and a return to normal hair density within a few weeks.

How to distinguish temporary seasonal hair loss from a more severe and chronic one?

The CRLAB Protocol to Counter Hair Loss

Having beautiful and healthy hair is possible even during a delicate period like the change of seasons. The CRLAB HAIR LOSS PREVENTION LINE combats hair loss and promotes growth through its strengthening and densifying action:

1. Hair Loss Prevention Preshampoo

The Hair Loss Prevention Preshampoo rebalances the scalp and prepares it to receive the active ingredients contained in subsequent trichological products; eucalyptus essential oil and cinnamon stimulate blood circulation, while hydrolyzed rice proteins increase hair resistance to traction.

2. Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo

The Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo contains apple stem cell extracts, which stimulate the active growth phase (Anagen); while hydrolyzed yeast proteins strengthen and repair hair fibers.

3. Hair Loss Prevention Vials

The Hair Loss Prevention Vials are an intensive treatment rich in active ingredients that work synergistically to counter thinning and promote lush regrowth. Serenoa Repens extract and oleanolic acid reduce the formation of DHT, a hormone responsible for hair loss; while apigenin stimulates capillary microcirculation, favoring the absorption of nutrients.

Extra tip

For a complete treatment, daily use of trichological products can be supplemented with the intake of a specific dietary supplement. CRLAB Women Hair and CRLAB Men Hair counteract hair loss and miniaturization with targeted ingredients such as Omega 3 and Serenoa Repens. Folic acid and biotin stimulate hair follicles, fortifying them, while a pool of vitamins and minerals gives the hair a thicker appearance.

Hair Loss Prevention PATCH

CRLAB also offers a Hair Loss Prevention PATCH: Havogen 5, which counteracts hair loss and stimulates regrowth. It is an effective, invisible, and easy-to-use hair loss patch that nourishes and strengthens hair, normalizing sebum production.

What to Do When the Problem Persists?

Spring hair loss is a physiological phenomenon and as such resolves within a few weeks. However, in some cases, seasonal effluvium may conceal a real problem of regrowth, where telogen phase hairs are not replaced by new Anagen phase hairs.

If persistent changes in hair quality are observed, it is advisable to undergo a thorough analysis to verify the actual causes of weakening.

Especially when abnormal hair loss occurs, it is essential to promptly consult qualified experts who can indicate the most suitable solution: at CRLAB centers, our specialists offer tailor-made protocols, tailored to the client’s real needs.

A personalized consultation can indeed be the first step to face what could be a simple physiological phenomenon with serenity, but also to avoid the onset of more serious problems that could undermine confidence and self-assurance.

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