Get in touch with our world Want to open a CRLAB center? Become a partner CRLAB has already changed the lives of thousands of men and women by using cutting-edgesolutions to help boost their self-esteem. If you want to join the CRLAB family, helpingpeople to find happiness, apply below. HAIR IS PART OF US, OF […]
Our story Craftsmanship, customization and innovation. Craftsmanship, customization and innovation. These are the ingredients that enabled a company with humble beginnings to become a successful enterprise across Italy and then throughout the world. Founded 50 years’ ago in a small workshop in 1968 in Zola Predosa, in the province of Bologna. years '80 '90 The […]
Le Cesare Ragazzi in America per offrire opportunità a chi soffre di Alopecia. Si è tenuta a giugno nella nota Miami in Florida, la 32° Conferenza Annuale della NAAF, sigla americana che raccoglie sotto la propria egida persone di tutte le età affette da Alopecia che intendono condividere l’esperienza e cercare insieme nuove soluzioni e […]